Why Our Zoom® In-Office Teeth Whitening Treatment Is More Effective than Over-the-Counter Whitening

Why Our Zoom® In-Office Teeth Whitening Treatment Is More Effective than Over-the-Counter Whitening Products

Teeth whitening is more popular than ever. Chalk it up to the selfie revolution, social media, or increased availability of products — whatever the reason, the teeth whitening market in the United States hit $6,140.75 million in 2021, and is expected to keep increasing in the years to come.

If you’re ready to ditch your discolored teeth and find out for yourself just how different life can be when you’re proud of your smile, come see Dr. Nathan Klabunde and our team here at Northwoods Dental Group in Columbus, Ohio. 

We offer the most advanced teeth whitening system available: Philips Zoom!® Here’s why choosing this professional treatment over the multitude of over-the-counter products is a no-brainer.

Know thy enemy

The hard outer surface of your teeth — the enamel — varies in color from person to person, but it’s generally some shade of white. Several factors can change that, though.

Foods and drinks

Everything you put in your mouth has the potential to discolor your teeth, but some are more likely than others, starting with that cup of coffee or tea you have in the morning. Beets, berries, and red wine can also leave behind stains that no amount of brushing seems to clear away.


As you get older, everything gradually breaks down, including the enamel on your teeth. As this protective layer wears away, the underlying brown dentin starts to show through, giving your teeth a yellow or dingy look.

Bad habits

Certain life choices and habits can also contribute to tooth discoloration. Poor hygiene over the years can leave you with a lifetime of stains. Tobacco — whether you smoke it or chew it — seeps into your enamel and turns your teeth a muddy yellow hue.

Some medications can also change your tooth color from the inside out, particularly antibiotics. 

Whatever’s behind your less-than-white teeth, the good news is that we have the perfect solution with our Zoom! Whitening system.

Why Zoom! is the best choice

It may be tempting to simply buy a teeth-whitening kit at your local drugstore and do the job yourself, but if you do, you’ll likely be disappointed with the results. While you may notice a slight change, it won’t be dramatic, and it won’t last long, which isn’t surprising since the product contains very weak ingredients.

The reason professional teeth whitening is better is that our licensed experts are qualified to work with much stronger chemicals. The Philips Zoom! Gel contains up to 40% hydrogen peroxide, and you can’t get that at the store. Even if you could, it wouldn’t be safe for the average consumer to use. 

With Zoom!, you get safe and dramatic results in an hour — that box on the shelf just can’t compete.

What Zoom! can do for you

The Zoom! Whitening system can brighten your teeth by up to eight shades in just a single one-hour visit. 

Your session starts with a thorough cleaning to get rid of any surface stains, plaque, and bacteria. Then we protect your gums and other soft tissues with rubber guards and protective gels. Finally, we apply the whitening compound to your teeth and activate it with a special light.

We repeat this process up to four times (15 minutes each time) until we get to your desired goal. Once we’re finished, you brush, rinse, and go outside to show off your new smile.

Extending your Zoom! results

Your Zoom! results should last for 1-3 years, but to keep the dazzling effects of your bright white teeth from fading early, just follow these simple, common-sense tips: 

If you’d like to dramatically improve your smile in just one hour, schedule an appointment to set up your Zoom! Teeth Whitening appointment by calling or booking online today. 

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